


文章: Jewellery Periods — Modern Jewellery (1960s-1970s)

Jewellery Periods — Modern Jewellery (1960s-1970s)

Jewellery Periods — Modern Jewellery (1960s-1970s)

Jewellery is not just an accessory, it’s a statement of style and personality. And in the 1960s and 1970s, Modern Jewellery transcended from being just a piece of metal to something that represented more significant ideas like freedom, individuality, and self-expression.

This era saw some of the most iconic creations that still inspire jewellery trends today. From bold, chunky pieces to delicate geometric shapes, the revolution of modern jewellery design transformed the fashion industry for good.

So fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to delve into a dazzling world of rebellion, experimentation, and bold statements!

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Jewellery Periods – Retro Jewellery (1930s-1950s)

珠宝时期 – 复古珠宝(1930 年代至 1950 年代)


Jewellery Periods — Contemporary Jewellery (1980s-1990s)

Jewellery Periods — Contemporary Jewellery (1980s-1990s)

From the earliest civilisations to the present day, jewellery has been a timeless form of self-expression, reflecting the beauty and aspirations of each generation. In this last part of the Jewelle...
